Frequently Asked Questions

To help you navigate your cognitive health journey, here are answers to the most common questions about brain health, cognition, and RBI’s core services.

About RBI and Cognitive Health

What is cognitive health?

Cognitive health is a significant aspect of our overall brain health—specifically, our ability to clearly think, learn, and remember. Cognitive health is influenced by a number of physical, mental, social, and environmental factors. RBI helps people make integrated lifestyle changes that account for these factors to improve their overall cognition and brain function.

What does it mean to have a holistic approach to cognitive health?

Holistic healthcare focuses on a multi-factored approach to wellness. RBI takes an integrated, holistic approach to cognitive care through our six pillars: Sleeping Well, Eating Well, Staying Active, Embracing Stress, Discovering Purpose, and Connecting Deeply. By focusing on how all of these factors interact and affect your day-to-day life and brain function, we can guide you towards more comprehensive and long-lasting cognitive improvement.

Does RBI prescribe medication?

RBI is licensed to prescribe medication for Arizona and California residents. We are currently working to expand coverage more broadly. If you live elsewhere, please sign up for our mailing list, and we’ll make sure to inform you of when we expand to your state.

Where is RBI located? Do I need to attend physical appointments?

RBI is located in sunny Rancho Santa Fe, California near Encinitas and Del Mar (San Diego County). We're located at 16236 San Dieguito Road, Rancho Santa Fe, CA, #5-17  (By appointment upon purchase). Appointments can take place in person or via video conference call for your convenience.

Does RBI treat people with dementia?

RBI is experienced and equipped to deal with a number of cognitive health issues, including dementia. However, severe cases of dementia can require hospitalization and more aggressive therapeutics, which RBI is not able to provide. If you are unsure if the dementia you or a loved one is experiencing is severe, contact us about your specific cognitive health concerns to find out if an RBI program is right for you.

I don’t have any severe cognitive health issues now, but I’m worried about cognitive decline in my future. Can RBI help me?

Yes! Many people see the effects of cognitive decline in their loved ones and worry they will inherit the same challenges later in life. Others have noticed small but significant changes to their overall cognition, and want to find a way to optimize their brain. Regardless of what drives your concern for your cognitive health, RBI can help you take small steps now to improve your overall brain health and function in the future. Cognitive decline isn’t inevitable, unavoidable, or untreatable. Learn more about how RBI can help you optimize your brain and your life here.

Can physicians at RBI be my primary care physician?

No, we ask that you have your own primary care physician with whom we can work with to coordinate and manage your cognitive treatment plan.

About My RBI Cognitive Journey

What is My RBI Cognitive Journey ?

My RBI Cognitive Journey is a six-month, in-depth cognitive healthcare program, customized to your individual cognitive challenges and brain health goals. During My RBI Cognitive Journey, you will complete both basic health and cognitive fitness assessments, detailed lab work, and diagnostics which may include brain imaging. A custom-tailored treatment program is then created based on your results and supplemented by our proven holistic healing methods. An RBI doctor will guide you 1:1 through your cognitive health journey as you make a series of integrated lifestyle changes based on your lab work, diagnostics, and the six RBI pillars. You can learn more about My RBI Cognitive Journey here.

Who can join My RBI Cognitive Journey?

Anyone concerned about their cognitive health is welcome to join My RBI Cognitive Journey, although the program is intended for individuals with existing cognitive health challenges looking to make a significant commitment to improving their brain function and lifestyle.

Can I still join My RBI Cognitive Journey if I don’t live in AZ or CA?

We are licensed physicians in Arizona and California and are looking to expand in the near future. Meanwhile, please consider signing up for our mailing list and joining NeuroFlow Foundations to take part in our workshops and educational content to help improve your cognitive health.

How much does My RBI Cognitive Journey cost? 

Schedule a free 15-minute intro call to get a sense of our pricing and structure.

Is My RBI Cognitive Journey covered by insurance?

At this time, we do not accept insurance or Medicare. We can provide a detailed receipt for services performed for you to submit to your insurance carrier directly.

About NeuroFlow Foundations

What is NeuroFlow Foundations?

NeuroFlow Foundations is a subscription-based service that provides you with RBI’s specific tips and tricks to improve your ongoing cognitive health, without committing to six months of a 1:1 cognitive healthcare plan. We send you practical methods and exercises to improve your brain function directly to your inbox. You can learn more about NeuroFlow Foundations here.

Who can join NeuroFlow Foundations?

Anyone interested in improving their overall cognitive health can join NeuroFlow Foundations! It’s a convenient way to learn how you can shift your lifestyle to optimize your brain health.

How much does NeuroFlow Foundations cost?

Schedule a call with us to find out how RBI can work with you to optimize your brain function. We're available to speak with you and provide detailed information tailored to you.

What is the difference between My RBI Cognitive Journey and NeuroFlow Foundations?

My RBI Cognitive Journey is a six-month personalized cognitive healthcare plan where you receive 1:1 support from one of our experienced doctors. During My RBI Cognitive Journey, you will complete basic health and cognitive fitness assessments, detailed lab work, and diagnostics which may include brain imaging. A custom tailored treatment program is then created with you based on the results and supplemented by our proven holistic healing methods. My RBI Cognitive Journey is best for individuals looking to make a significant commitment to their cognitive health.

NeuroFlow Foundations is a subscription-based experience, where you can receive RBI’s methods for boosting your brain right in your inbox. You don’t need to meet with a doctor, and you don’t need to commit to any lifestyle changes you aren’t ready for. It’s designed to help you find small ways to make big changes to your cognitive health. NeuroFlow Foundations is best for individuals without severe cognitive challenges who are looking for everyday ways to improve their overall cognition.